Conference Schedule
9 am – 2 pm
Ethics Center Directors Summit: Communicating the Value of Ethics Centers
Ethics Centers serve many roles at their institutions and in their communities, but people often don’t know the full scope of work and the value that ethics centers provide. Helping students, faculty, administrators, and community members learn more about what your ethics center does and the value that it provides can bolster participation and attendance, academic integration, administrative funding, community involvement, and donor support. During this year's annual summit, we will provide a workshop to help ethics center directors better communicate the value of their ethics center to a wide range of audiences. Experts from Red Window Communications will provide a presentation on marketing and promoting Ethics Centers to various audiences, followed by discussion in small groups for directors to share ideas and brainstorm how stronger, more proactive communications could build capacity, expanded support, and additional opportunities within their communities.
Breakfast and lunch is included. Registration is required. Cost: $190 for Non-members / $150 for Members.
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
APPE RISEsm Pre-Conference Symposium
The U.S. and the wider world have witnessed rapid and widespread change in politics, culture, economics, technology, health, and the environment over the past several years. These recent changes have affected most areas of human activity, including scientific research. How are scholars and educators of ethics and integrity in scientific research responding to these changes? How can they continue to promote responsible conduct of research (RCR) in the face of rapid change? This year's APPE RISEsm Pre-Conference Symposium will address these questions, and more. Specific topics include Scientist and Society, RCR Education, Guidelines for Research Integrity, and more.
Lunch + morning and afternon snack included. Registration is required. Cost: $155 for Non-members / $115 for Members / $40 for Students.
9 am – Noon
Designing Your Ethics Course: From Planning to Assessment
Whether you are planning curriculum for your first-time teaching ethics or looking for new ideas after decades of teaching, this workshop is for you. Cara Biasucci and Deni Elliott, Project Co-Directors for the National Ethics Project (NEP), will help you get clear on your goals for ethics education and help you accomplish them. Participants will leave the workshop with student learning objectives, activities to help students accomplish objectives, and assessment techniques that enable instructors to know what their students achieved. Regardless of discipline or venue, this 3-hour workshop is appropriate for those who teach ethics currently or who intend to teach.
Coffee + morning snack included. Registration is required. Cost: $25.
Sponsored by the University of California, Riverside: Graduate Division
Noon – 8 pm
Resource Room
Browse publications, talk with publishers, network with colleagues, and purchase discounted books.
1 – 4 pm
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Tour
Meet on the Mezzanine Level as a group, and walk from the Hilton Netherland Plaza to the Freedom Center or take the free Connector Streetcar. The guided tour will last approximately 90 minutes and starts by taking guests through the Freedom Center's largest exhibit, From Slavery to Freedom. This exhibit covers about 500 years of history from the Transatlantic slave trade to the Reconstruction Era and will lay the groundwork for the rest of the museum. From there guests will head to the Grand Hall for an in-depth look at some of the Freedom Center's larger artifacts including the RagGonNon, the Tom Feeling’s Mural, and a slave pen that was found in Kentucky.
Registration is required.
Cost: $20.
2 – 3 pm
Concurrent Session 1
Sessions TBD
3:15 – 4:15 pm
Concurrent Session 2
Sessions TBD
4:30 – 6 pm
Opening Plenary
Standing in the Gap: Doing Black History in Public
- Stephanie Lampkin, PhD, Curator at The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
- Modupe Lobode, PhD, Curator at The National Museum of American History
- Amber Mitchell, MA, Curator of Black History, Henry Ford
- Tiffany Tolbert, MA, Senior Director for Preservation, African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, at National Trust for Historic Preservation
6 – 8 pm
Opening Reception
Network with colleagues and our panelists. Free for all conference attendees.
8 am – 7 pm
Resource Room
Browse publications, talk with publishers, network with colleagues, and purchase discounted books.
8:30 – 9:30 am
First Time & International Attendees Breakfast
Free and open to all conference attendees. Join us as we provide a special welcome to our first time attendees and attendees from across the globe. Light breakfast items will be served.
Sponsored by The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence.
9:30 – 10:30 am
Concurrent Session 3
Sessions TBD
10:45 – 11:45 am
Concurrent session 4
Sessions TBD
11:45 – 1 pm
Lunch Break
Lunch on your own.
11:45 – 1 pm
Business Ethics Affinity Group Meet-up
Meet on the Mezzanine Level to walk to lunch together.
1 – 2:30 pm
Concurrrent Session 5
Sessions TBD
2:45 – 4 pm
APPE Annual Mentoring Panel
Attend the Annual APPE Mentorship Panel to learn more about the lived mentorship experiences of three mentor-mentee pairs spanning the mentee archetype of graduate student, post-doc, and early career scholar. Through conversation, the panel will:
Distinguish between supervisors and mentors
Explore how the roles of mentor and mentee evolve
Acknowledge the need for multiple mentors and mentorship mapping
Review how to seek feedback and how to share it
Lukas E. Chandler, Advisor at Ethicist International, Senior Analyst at The Health Management Academy
Dayoung Kim, Assistant Professor of the Department of Engineering Education (College of Engineering) at Virginia Tech
Michael C. Loui, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering and University Distinguished Teacher-Scholar at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Mohammad Hosseini, Assistant professor at the Northwestern University Department of Preventive Medicine
David Resnik, Bioethicist at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Leigh Meyer, Post-baccalaureate Trainee in the Office of Clinical Ethics at Mayo Clinic.
Elisa Reverman, Research Ethics and Integrity Specialist at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, PhD Candidate in the Department of Philosophy at Georgetown University
4:15 – 5:30 pm
Discretion: A Case for Increasing the Power of Bureaucrats
Dr. Barry Lam, Philosophy Professor at UC Riverside, Associate Director at Marc Sanders Foundation, and Executive Producer of Hi-Phi Nation podcast
In this talk, Dr. Barry Lam will be making the case that we should give more, not less, discretionary power to those who are in charge of implementing and enforcing rules in a firm or society. These are people like police officers, prosecutors, judges, and also doctors, nurses, and everyday workers. The argument rests on a case against Legalism, the political philosophy that job titles, roles, rules, laws, policies, and procedures must be detailed, explicit, and blindly administered to ensure an efficiently functioning and fair society. Instead, Dr. Lam's view is that basic tenets of what makes for a good person and a society of good people requires that we build into rules and regulation the ability for people in charge of those rules to ignore or bend them.
Sponsored by the Rutland Institute of Ethics.
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Thoughtful Bubbles
Join us for light appetizers and refreshments as we reflect on the keynote and the day's sessions with colleagues in an informal setting. Cash bar.
8 am – 3 pm
Resource Room
Browse publications, talk with publishers, network with colleagues, and purchase discounted books. (Fire sale starts at noon!)
8:30 – 9:30 am
Authors Reception & Poster Session
Join us for light breakfast items and visit with authors and poster presenters. Free and open to all conference attendees.
9:30 – 10:30 am
Concurrent session 6
Sessions TBD
10:45 – 11:45 am
Concurrent session 7
Sessions TBD
11:45 – 1 pm
Lunch Break
Lunch on your own.
12 – 1 pm
Ethics Bowl Lunch
Ethics Bowl participants are invited to lunch and to hear from Robert Bilott, a Cincinnati-based lawyer who took on DuPont and was featured in the movie Dark Waters. Only open to Ethics Bowl participants; registration is required.
1 – 2:30 pm
Concurrent session 8
Sessions TBD
2:45 – 3:45 pm
Concurrent Session 9
Sessions TBD
3:45 – 5 pm
Conference / Ethics Bowl Attendee Mix & Mingle
This serves as the closing for the conference and the opening for the APPE IEB®. Grab a snack to go or stay and network with colleagues and Ethics Bowl students.
4 – 10 pm
APPE IEB® National Competition
4 pm: Vounteer Training
4:30 pm: Opening Plenary
All other times, TBD
9 am – 6 pm
APPE IEB® National Competition
Times, TBD