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About Us

Established in 1991, the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to advancing scholarship, education, and practice in practical and professional ethics. APPE fosters moral reasoning skill development, works to promote ethical conduct in all sectors of our daily lives, nurtures the next generation of ethical leaders, and seeks to advance civil public discourse on diverse ethical issues.

What We Do

  • Provide support for the intercollegiate regional Ethics Bowl competitions and host the annual APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (APPE IEB®)
  • Convene the APPE Research Integrity Scholars and Educators Consortium (APPE RISEsm), which serves as a forum for academics, practitioners, and other stakeholders to share experience, expertise, and scholarship
  • Convene the Ethics Center Directors Consortium as part of APPE’s annual conference, and provide a network for members to discuss a variety of topics and share resources
  • Hold an annual International Conference offering more than 100 sessions that brings together more than 400 students, academic faculty, researchers, and other professionals for a 3-day educational and networking event
  • Provide connections to colleagues within Affinity Groups in areas such as bioethics, business, education, law, government, military, TEC (technology, engineering, and computing), and more
  • Provide updates about job openings and events to a listserv of more than 2,000 colleagues interested in ethics
  • Host a Summer Ethics Bowl Workshop for new and experienced Ethics Bowl coaches
  • Provide opportunities for year-round ethics-based conversations via our member forum, additional programming such as Ethics Roundtables, our Ethically Curious Book Club, and more

Mission Statement

The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) is an interdisciplinary, international organization dedicated to advancing scholarship, education, and practice in practical and professional ethics.

APPE works to improve ethical conduct in our communities and workplaces, support and develop the next generation of ethics faculty and professionals, and advance public dialogue in ethics and values.

Vision Statement

Inspiring ethical practice in communities and workplaces.

Our Commitment to Racial Justice and Equity

The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) is committed to furthering public dialogue in ethics and advancing ethical conduct among all professions. Following the killings of Black Americans George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many, many others, APPE reaffirms these commitments and acknowledges its moral obligation to be a voice for the values of equity, solidarity, and social justice.

To that end, we call upon every individual to stand firmly against the entrenched and unethical systems of racial oppression and discrimination.

We ask professional organizations, businesses, and employers to actively move beyond a written code of ethical conduct and engage in the hard work to institutionalize the cultural shirts needed to transform those words into daily professional behavior. We implore the law enforcement community, especially, to take immediate and visible action to inculcate the highest ethical standards among all of its professionals to stop police violence.

Our deepest sympathy to the families and friends of those who have lost their lives to structural racism.

Strategic Plan

Our current Strategic Plan was adopted on December 1, 2022. Read it here.

Articles of Incorporation

Learn more about us

Sign up to join our listserv, where you'll receive the monthly e-newsletter, jobs and event announcements, important information about the conference, and more.

Download our 30th Anniversary Yearbook to read highlights about the first 30 years of APPE.