National Ethics Project
The National Ethics Project (NEP) was initiated at the end of 2015 through a collaboration of the Association of Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) and the Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. With endorsement from APPE and Harvard, Deni Elliott, representing the APPE Board of Directors, and Jess Miner, representing the Edmond & Lily Safra Center leadership team, began discussions of how we can best understand the role of ethics education in 21st Century U.S. institutions of higher education (IHE).
Over the next eight years, a multi-institutional team explored the ethics landscape nationwide, developing research tools to help assess ethics education, collaborating with scholars to design and implement ethics initiatives at IHE, and presenting and publishing their research findings at conferences and in academic journals.
In 2024, APPE and NEP announced a joint partnership that provides APPE members with exclusive access to NEP resources, and provides a home for NEP materials, some of which are not behind the APPE member paywall.
APPE members can access the entire suite of resources, including the full list of higher ed institutions with their ethics centers and gen ed requirements, instructional surveys, an Ethics Course ID Tool, and more. (See below.)

Members: How to access NEP Resources

Members can log in to the Info Hub, click on Resources on the left hand side, and see the tools available from National Ethics Project: Ethics Course ID Test, Institutional Alignment, Instructional Surveys, and an Ethics Centers List. (Please do not share these links with non-APPE members.)